Thursday, December 3, 2009


As I watched more classmates teach STLs, I also noticed that some people have a more natural "stage" presence. That presence makes it a lot easier for some teachers to adapt to the different questions or responses students give. Some teachers got flustered and confused when a student gave an answer they did not expect. Others, however, used it to improve their teaching moment. Some teachers it was hard to pay attention to because they natural speak in a monotone or very softly. Others made it fun to listen to them and they said stuff that made you want to keep listening. Some of the analogies used were so random and out there that it made it much more fun to listen to, even if they didn't work 100%. I would be curious to find the trade-off between crazy analogies that don't exactly work vs boring analogies that definitely work. I would think that some people would gain more from the crazy ones and other people would get confused by them. But if nobody is listening to the boring analogies, then nobody will learn even if they are good parallels.

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