Thursday, October 29, 2009


I taught STL #3. In doing that, I learned that I get very specific very quickly, which makes keeping a lesson interesting difficult. My topic was already very specific and I kept it simple. I thought that keeping the topic very straightforward would be effective, but I felt like I was beating a dead horse by the time I was only a few minutes in. I feel like I had a good anticipatory set, but it could have tied in a little better. It did illustrate my point, but then my whole lesson was taught in just my set. I needed to find more to expand on. As it was, I only taught for ten minutes. I don't really know how to teach for much longer than that, so I need to learn how to do that before I try to teach an hour-long class. I said "um" a lot, which bothered me. I did make a point to call on specific people when I asked questions, but my questions were not the best. The students were not sure what kind of answer I was looking for. It could have gone a lot better.

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